Late Arrival

There’s something about immersing myself in the places where I paint that is hard to describe. It’s not the art studio, it’s a wild world out there and it always has been. The past emerges and mingles with the present. Undercurrents of metaphor and meaning rise to the surface and sometimes I try to venture […]…


Left Behind

Plein air painting of a cactus and old buildings on the west side of Santa Cruz island off the coast of California
Beautiful memories, but some days are defined by regrets, just like the cactus in many ways is defined by its spines. ⠀⠀To get here required a two hour drive across a private reserve to this far side of the island. I have to give a big shout of thanks to my friends at the California […]…


Her Quiet Time

A Plein air painting of the central valley of Santa Cruz one of the Channel Islands off the coast of California
The Chumash people lived here first. The Earth Mother’s name was Hutash, and it was said that she planted a particular plant on this island, from which the people emerged fully grown. They were cold until they were given fire by lighting from that old Sky Snake, the Milky Way, the Earth Mother’s husband.⠀⠀The people […]…


Down Harbor Blvd, Just Past the Airport

Plein air painting of the the southern coast of Santa Cruz island in Channel Islands National Park of California
It’s like standing on holy ground. I can’t believe how fortunate I am to be here today. These thoughts are never far from my mind as I stand on the edge of this steep shore cliff and paint the scene before me after a rare opportunity to walk the interior valley of one of Southern […]…


Balance of Powers

Live art of breaking waves and rugged coast

This was painted live at a benefit event for our local hospital’s Family Medicine Residency Program back in July. These live paintings usually auction at events for anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand on the far upper end. Not that this means a whole lot in the big picture, but we were […]

Rogue Showers

Plein air landscape painting overlooking Half Moon Bay and Maverick's in the distance on the San Mateo coast of California
Spent the morning sipping coffee with some new friends who ended up buying this one. It had rained overnight and even though the sun was out and bright, every time I thought to hike up into the hills for this view, another shower would come through and soak everything anew. ⠀⠀But that was just fine.⠀⠀I […]…


There Goes the Neighborhood

A plein air painting of a neigborhood overlooking Half Moon Bay on the San Mateo coast of California

You never know where tomorrow will bring you, which is why these folks commissioned this deck-top view from their home awhile back- so they’d always have this painting, even if they didn’t always have this view.⠀⠀But there was more to the neighborhood than the view of the western sky over their neighbors’ houses. There were […]

Jim Denevan’s Gift

Plein air painting of Jim Devevan creating landworks art at Cowell's Beach on the Santa Cruz coast of California
Jim Denevan is an artist on a whole different level. Mostly sea level. His medium is the beach. I mean that in a very littoral way. And no, that’s not a misspelling. I’ve been aware of his work for years, but haven’t had the opportunity to watch him at work in his studio until this […]…


Tomorrow, Today

Live art of breaking waves in a colorful storm

Tomorrow, today, and to be honest, yesterday as well. This was painted a while back in 2019. Nothing too deep, just having fun with the painting and thinking of those moody stormy days when the sun breaks out and the rain is still falling and everything becomes crystals and prisms and beauty. ⠀⠀But today, let’s […]

Mist and Light

Plein air painting of California poppies on the Big Sur coast of Central Califonria's Monterey County

When ones and zeroes No longer add up And the printing press Runs out of flesh And the headlines Have nowhere to run We’ll pick up the pieces Build temples of song Made of discarded words Metal vowels and consonants Foraged from fields Like seed for migrating birds And the truth that emerges Will cut […]

A Window of Light

Plein air artwork the coast at El Capitan State Park on the Gaviota coast of Santa Barbara, California

I was supposed to drive a lot further up the coast on this day back in 2019. I didn’t get past this point though. After a few hours in the water, laughing as a handful of us rode these hypnotic little waves spinning down the point, I knew I was going to paint here as […]

What Lies Behind

Plein air artwork of the coast at Little Dume on the Malibu coast of Los Angeles County, California
A friend I had just met earlier at an event in San Diego invited me for a rare visit to this exclusive piece of California’s coast. I absorbed it with all my senses as we surfed all morning and I painted all afternoon.⠀⠀So what exactly does lie behind these locked gates? Here’s a few things […]…


No Harm, No Foul

Plein air painting of train tracks near Cotton's point on the San Clemente coast of Orange County in southern California
I was thinking this would be a simple little painting to start my day. It was in some ways. But it was also a bit nerve-wracking. Nestled between boulders I painted the morning away, and marveled at just how quiet the trains that run this line have become. I barely heard them coming. The stretched […]…


Modern Lines

Plein air painting from under the Trestle at Upper's point on the San Clemente Coast of Southern California

I’ve walked over and beneath this railroad line many a time. I’ve jumped from the tracks to flee the train. I’ve marveled at the burnt beams and wondered that entire trains could be held up by charcoal and memory. Apparently others wondered too, and decided on that eternal Roman upgrade- smooth concrete. Impervious to the […]

Midday Flats

Plein air painting from the point at Lower Trestles looking toward San Onofre on the San Diego County coast of California

The beach wasn’t closed last May, it was a just a terrible run of surf and conditions that kept everyone away. I’d never seen this place so empty. It’s hard to believe this is one of the focal points of surfing in Southern California. But not this day. There was no one. Looking down the […]


Plein air artwork of the beach at San Clemente looking toward the Pier on the Orange county coast of southern california

For much of this trip I faced inclement weather, and eventually made peace with it by embracing the moody darkness it often brought to a scene, punctuated by the bursts of light whenever the clouds would break. Kind of experimental, and kind of a lot of fun. I had no intention of creating these darker […]

End of the West

Plein air artwork of the pedestrian overpass at T Street on the Orange County coast of Southern California

It’s the end of the westIt’s the setting sunIt’s a train-wreck that’s only just begun It’s a crowded barIt’s the law of the landIt’s illicit activities obscured by hot sand It’s a war at seaIt’s the first shots firedIt’s victory in sight, though not the one desired It’s a shift in the windIt’s an outgoing […]

The Hectic Pace of Modern Life

Plein air painting of VW bus at Old Man's in San Onofre State park in San Diego County, California
Written on April 6, 2020 That title takes on a whole different flavor right now. At the time the world was buzzing away at top speed, except on a bad-surf day on the Southern California coast. I had painted this scene a few days before (minus the VW), but I wasn’t happy with it, so […]…


Oh No, Not Today

Plein air artwork of palm trees in the carpark at San Onofre State park in Southern California

Written on April 3, 2020 You might think this empty parking lot scene is a reflection of our current times, but the reality is that I had planned to spend a day here goofing off after a busy flurry of painting on the road last year. At the time I thought, “I’ll just head down […]

Winter in Summer

Plein air painting of Highway One near Carpenteria on the Santa Barbara coast of Southern California

A further experiment in letting the paint run and not developing every part of a painting equally. In this case the showers in the distance were rendered by the unpredictable drips and runs of thin paint washes, with a bit of occasional help from the rain itself. With the exception of the yellow bloom in […]

A Hard Rain

Plein air painting looking toward the Terranea Resort on the Palos Verdes coast of Los Angeles county in Southern California
Written on March 17, 2020 With my annual spring road trip season hanging in the balance as we all hold our breaths, I’m reflecting back on my tour of Southern California last May. Throughout the trip I was met with less than stellar weather. At first it was frustrating, but later it was liberating as […]…


The Beautiful Mountain

Plein air artwork of Belmont Shores area of Long Beach looking toward the Palos Verdes Peninsula in LA county, California
After spending maybe too much time with the painting in my previous post, this was a reaction against that one’s slow and methodical recording of a very technical shoreline. I had to move fast with the setting sun as I tried to just focus on getting some sense of the crispness of color and light […]…


Bird, As a Weapon

Plein air artwork of Belmont Shores in Long Beach on the Los Angeles county coast of Southern California
Written on March 26, 2020 This may look like social distancing in effect, but this was painted on a weekday last May. There were people, but they were moving and since plein air painting is in some ways like a hand-made photograph with a 3 hour exposure, the moving objects (people, cars, etc.) don’t always […]…


The Deep South

Plein air painting from the border between California and Mexico looking toward San Diego skyline in southern California

Written on March 23, 2020 Looking north from about as far south as you can go on the California coast. The showers that threatened and taunted all morning finally passed, the sun burned the darkened watery grays right off the earth, evaporating in a humid mist rising, an all-hands invite to the impending mosquito feast. […]