Surface Tension II
Morning Blues: Side A
Morning Blues: Side B
Nothing is Easy
The Usual Difficulties
No Turning Back
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth
Heaven’s Fourth Foundation
Eden Revisited
Just after I had things blocked in on this one with a crisp afternoon light, a thunderhead developed to the south and within minutes the whole sky went gray. Had to make a choice, follow the changing conditions, or just wing it and make stuff up. Sometimes clouds bring out colors that sunlight washes out […]
Fit for a King
Named for the stretch of coast nearby, King’s beach, it’s easy to see why a place this beautiful would belong to a King. That said, he’s lost some territory this year as the heavier than normal snowfall melting into the lake has the water level several feet higher than normal and this beach, like many […]
Short Term Memory Loss
West of Heaven
In the Beginning
A Strong Inclination
I’m Going In!
Morning Walk
The Day Before the Rain #1
The Day Before the Rain #2
The Day Before the Rain #3
Geometries of Love
Not plein air, but quickly painted in a public setting from a blurry overcast bootlegged photo, so not exactly a studio painting either… This was done as a gift for the family that opened their home to me during my recent stay in San Diego. They spend their anniversaries down here every year, and though […]
My People
Observation: North
The view looking north from this science research pier. I could have approached this totally differently and used the perspective to really go after the unique view of the coast from just offshore, leaving out all the railing and hoists and sciency stuffs, but that wouldn’t really tell the whole story would it? Big thanks […]
Observation: South
While I am generally drawn to cliffside overlooks with sweeping views out to the water, I also find the occasionally more unusual perspective pretty irresistible, especially when it’s one that requires a key and a scientist on your side to gain access to a pier and observation deck that are otherwise closed to the public. […]