I’ll be Ever’where, Ma

Painted this one two days ago for a friend. Without going into much detail, I chose the title from Tom Joad’s farewell to his mother in Grapes of Wrath. As I painted this much loved beach from an overview perspective not often seen, I thought of many that I have had to say goodbye to […]…


Fixer Upper

I was hoping to go further up the coast but the midday high tide and a deeply eroded beach combined with solid swell prevented me from going much further than this little beach hut. Not that I didn’t try, it got pretty dicey around that corner. Timed my way around a few bends between sets […]

Perfect from Afar

One of the last paintings from recent Santa Cruz trip. This is the California I love. Open, accessible, space with occasionally great waves. In order to paint these places, I have to visit them in person. It’s one of my favorite perks of this job. I hear of parts of the east coast where private […]…


A Pleasant Arrangement

He was sitting out on his porch that afternoon. The day was getting late but the setting sun was still warm as he stared out over the water. I never knew him but his house stood there, looming large over this coastal scene. It must have been a pleasant arrangement. What better place to ride […]…


Lost in the Shuffle

Sometimes I find myself painting subjects that are a bit more involved than I’d like, but in order to eventually cover the entire California coast, I just can’t avoid them. Here is one of those. Quite challenging, one day I hope to sort out a better approach to these scenes that look out over rows […]

No Rancho

Have you ever tried to touch your nose with your eyes closed, while sitting in a tiny boat, with two friends fishing? It’s like being rather drunk, but it’s only the dramamine. And the moving sea. Now try to paint the scene. I dare you

Slot Machine

Line after lineAnd jewel upon jewelThese beams of lightBearing weightAs well as witnessTo our memoriesLost in the fireOn the night we crossed the bridgeOver the village of tents and mudAnd icePassing carsWith no driversAnd the rising tideForced us to climb over the rocksTo round the headlandWhere lovers lovedAnd dreamers dreamedAnd thieves did their best workStealing […]

Silent Conversations: Long Departed

I’ve heard this site was one of the oldest human settlements in North America. Long departed now, nothing remains but a hill of discarded shells surrounded by windblown dunes. And the wind. The wind has always been here. It was already blowing steady with undertones of far greater force to come and it was only […]…


Quiet Water

To be honest, Santa Cruz stresses me out a bit. Crazy, crazy place… but I like it. That said it was great to get out of the hamster maze for a bit today. A friend treated me to some epic midday views up a private road way up the coast and I followed that up […]

For Miles and Miles

The last plein air painting from last months trip. (18 paintings, 12 days, 1 parking ticket…) This particular stretch of California coastline intrigues me. Miles of coastal bluffs lined to the edge with row upon row of crops, a highly productive and active agricultural zone, and dotted with sculpted points and coves so abundant you […]…


This Spot is Gone But You’re Still Here

I’d heard about a homegrown skatebowl on some farmer’s field overlooking this coast for years. I even went looking for it once, but in all the wrong places. I’d gotten a tip from a knowledgeable source this time, though, so I’d be making a visit on this trip and hopefully coming away with a painting […]…



Latest from my Free Range: Santa Cruz painting tour. There’s coves like this all over the California coast, tucked away and protected from the predominant winds creating clean conditions when elsewhere the sea is ragged with wind chatter. This coast is certainly worth protecting and I’m thankful for all who have worked to preserve the […]

Home Renovation

Bunches of quail, several deer, otters, and even a fox on the beach. They were all very gracious hosts. Even though I’m sure I smelled pretty bad to them, none of them said so. They live in a beautiful home.

I May Not Play the Fiddle, But I Was on the Roof

Pretty stoked to paint this one from a rooftop today. Seriously, why paint in a studio when you can climb ladders and crawl through a skylight and set up in a place like this instead? Big thanks to my friend Charles for opening the door… um skylight… to make this one possible.

Losing his Mind While I Lost the Plot

After several long days of painting I sometimes hit a wall. Pushing through it where I can, sometimes this art gig becomes work. Fun work, but still work. I wanted to paint this spot just because I’ve had some fun waves here over the years, but didn’t anticipate how difficult it would be to put […]…


Everybody Has Been Burned

Fire creptOver the mountainWe saw it from townAfter dinner last night Smoke driftingOut to seaThis morning Everybody hasbeen burned beforeEspecially here On this day thoughThe Rasta ManOnly smiledAnd gave me a beerInstead

There Used to be Two

When I rolled up to paint here I was thinking it would be a simple thing to pull up and paint from the back of the van as there is a carpark directly overlooking these rock formations. My first curve ball was when I realized it was posted as a 20-minute zone with the state […]…


Prior to the Fire

Painted this on location on my first day in town on this trip. This was the ridiculously hot day here. Not an ounce of wind either. If I knew then what I know now, I would have jammed up the coast to the points north as the wind has been prone to howl out there, […]

Redgate Ranch Afternoon

Quick afternoon sketch of the scene here. Gonna get weird with some live art after I finish a burger real quick. Good vibes all around, stoked to be here.

Demolition: Speed of Love

I see them on their good daysAnd it’s hard to believeThe damage that the fairer of the twoSometimes inflictsWhen she lashes outUnseenOn her darker days The gaping holes wrecked into the seawall hereSpeak of forces beyond comprehension I go out here like everyone elseJust to watch on the really big daysBut the seawall always seems […]

Knuckle Bones

After a whirlwind road trip to that stretch of California just below Point Conception yet still well above LA, its good to be home for a bit. But only for a bit. Enjoyed painting our good old “knuckle bones” out here the other day before getting ready for another painting road trip to the points […]

And This

This may or may not have been painted on my way down the coast a few weeks ago, or on my way back home today. I’m not talking. But I am exhausted and my back hurts and my knee is all tweaked and I could use a good long nap.