Lost in the Shuffle

Sometimes I find myself painting subjects that are a bit more involved than I’d like, but in order to eventually cover the entire California coast, I just can’t avoid them. Here is one of those. Quite challenging, one day I hope to sort out a better approach to these scenes that look out over rows of buildings like this. That said, I have done much worse in the past so its good to see bit of progress at least…

Lost in the Shuffle

Original Size: 20" x 16"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2016

Additional Artwork Information:

Method: Plein Air
Date Painted: 10/06/2016
Region: The California Coast > Central California > Santa Cruz
Road Trip: Santa Cruz 2016

Artwork Logistics:

Miles Hiked: Less than 1 Mile
Hiking Terrain: Pounding Pavement
Anthropological Hazards: Other Painters

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