Houses of the Doves

A plein air painting from Hamilton Cove looking toward Avalon Harbor on Catalina island off the coast of southern California

The view from where we stayed (thanks mom-and-pops-in-law!). Sometimes I hike miles for a painting. Other times I stumble out the back door after a long slow morning and there it is.

Out of the Strong, Something Sweet

A plein air painting of a dirt road at Lyon's Ranch in the Bald Hills of Humboldt County, California

Out of the eater Comes something to eat And out of the reader Comes something to read… You may find me in town Or at home resting my feet We’ll discuss the numbers Of money, milk, and meat We’ll entertain the angels Without offering a seat We’ll speak of the devil Without feeling the heat […]


Painting of a dark storm and waves breaking off a beach in Northern California
Twentytwenty doesn’t need much introduction. We’ve all been caught in this storm. That’s what this painting is about. But there is a bit more backstory to it that some of you might not be aware of. This piece was started live on location at the Dunehouse in Manila, CA as a benefit for Friends of the […]…


Better Times

Plein Air painting of Little River at Moonstone Beach on Humboldt County's Trinidad coast of Northern California

Even though the title says Better Times, it’s not a commentary on that time, this time, or any other time we all collectively think of. It’s a quote from the friend who commissioned this painting who had some of his greatest memories here, followed by some incredibly difficult and tragic years. It’s deeply personal and […]

Two For One

Plein air painting of Dipsea Garens overlooking Stinson beach and Bolinas Lagoon on the Marin coast of Northern California
I was here to paint the view for a couple who were married here. I painted a quick one the night before and seeing how crowded it was here on the covid coast of California, I was very thankful to have permission to park and camp behind this private property’s gate. It’s hectic out there, […]…


Wreathed in Gold

Plein air painting of Stinson Beach and Bolinas Lagoon on the Marin coast of northern California
May. 2020. Arriving late in the day. The winding road to the coast dipped at turns and barreled straight through the blinding sun around each bend- a supercharged conduit for heavy traffic heading both ways in a rush toward whatever version of “stay-at-home” they were playing today. A motorcyclist behind my van wasn’t having it. […]…


Trial By Fire V

Painting of a campfire on the beach at night beneath a sliver of a moon
This wasn’t my first time painting live with Luca. Last September I found myself at a beach party in Italy where Luca was playing. (And that’s a whole other story for another time, but for anyone that knows me, you know it takes a minor miracle to get me away from the California coast… ) […]…


Trial By Fire IV

Painting of a garibaldi fish
Back in the early days of this global pandemic thing we’re all still slogging through, we saw the virus take hold in Italy. That was a wake-up call. ⠀⠀I had just had the chance to visit Italy back in September (which is no minor feat as anyone who has ever tried to get me to […]…


Trial By Fire

Painting of a wildfire burning a forest and causing a tree to release it's seeds
As we watch the world burn around us, many of us are waking to the reality that we are truly non-essential. As artists, we’ve always known this. You can’t eat paintings. We’ll continue to forge ahead on the fringes while everyone else sorts out the falling chips. Some of us won’t make it. We chose […]…


This Will Never Shut Down

A plein air painting of Luffenholtz beach from Scenic Drive on Humboldt County's Trinidad coast in northern California

Painted during the first week or so of lockdowns back in March of 2020. Businesses were shutting down. The roads were growing quiet. The air was crowded with questions, but the land and sea had answers of their own. Some things will never be shut down. You can shut your eyes, but you can’t stop […]


Plein air painting overlooking Patrick's Point State Park and Agate Beach on the Humboldt coast of northern California
My sister loved this beach⠀With it’s small rocks worn smooth ⠀Tumbled in their own strange victory⠀A full spectrum of color⠀Joseph’s coat made of earth⠀No wonder his brothers sold him⠀Jealousy runs deep in the quest for treasure⠀What good are these precious stones anyway?⠀Were they not made to be coveted by thy neighbor?⠀And yet my sister envied […]…


Everyone is Listening

Plein air landscape painting of California poppies at Lopez point over Monterey's Big Sur Coast of Central California
My final painting of this trip. I recently read about the family that home-steaded this place back in the 1800’s and installed a phone line to King City in 1910. One of the kids that grew up here recalled that you could tell who was calling because everyone had a different ring. And when a […]…


The Dark Watchers

Plein air landscape painting of a dark day at Sand Dollar Beach near Plaskett Creek on Monterey's Big Sur coast of California

Through thickets of poison to a cliff in the wind beneath dark skies, they followed. Not with their bodies, just with their eyes. They call them Dark Watchers, and stories of them in these hills go back generations. If you see them and try to approach one, they vanish into the landscape. I wish I […]

Information Superhighway

A plein air painting of a row of mailboxes beside Highway One along Monterey's Big Sur coast of Central California

I don’t know why, but the thought of a credit card bill, or bank statement, or some foreboding notice from the IRS sitting in one of these little metal boxes getting absolutely gob-hammered by winter storms just seems so absurd and yet so right- as if nature herself was seeking revenge on the entire economic […]

Escaping Santa Cruz Crowds: circa 1880

A plein air landscape painting of Gamboa point and Big Creek bridge on Highway One on Monterey's Big Sur coast of California

Yup. Even in 1880 Santa Cruz was getting too crowded for some folks, like Sabrino Gamboa who fled to this stretch of Big Sur’s coast nearly 150 years ago. Same as it ever was, I guess.

Off the Grid

A plein air painting of Cooper point between Andrew Molera and Pfeiffer Beach on the Big Sur coast of central California

A cove not easily reached. A wild country. The government here stalks on four paws and the cities are made of gray sticks full of poison. And life goes on, even off the grid.

Bobcats Don’t Have Tails

A plein air painting of a wildcat on a ridge overlooking Andrew Molera State Park and Point Sur on the central coast of California
For this one, I wanted to return to the scene of the first painting, I felt there was something more to see without trying to get the entire scene all the way to that white mountain. And I was right. As soon as I stopped to set up the easel, I looked back on the […]…


This Side of the Cactus

A plein air landscape painting of cactus overlooking Pfeiffer Beach on Monterey's Big Sur coast of Central California
A lonely cypress stands on this ridge, holding on for dear life through every storm and gale it’s seen, and it’s seen a lot of them. It’s getting a good whipping from the north wind right now as I paint this, its roots holding firm and its muscular bows holding back the wind for myself […]…


She Called Off the Dogs

A plein air landscape painting looking down on Pfeiffer Beach on Monterey's Big Sur coast of Central California

I only had to walk about a mile and a half down a steep and private dirt road to get to this vantage point of a beach everyone knows, but few have seen from this angle. About half way down, I was greeted by friendly dogs doing their best to act really unfriendly to strangers […]

Mountain of Mien Mo

A plein air painting overlooking Andrew Molera and Point Sur with Pico Blanco in the distance on the Big Sur coast of California

Titled after Kerouac’s name for this mountain, a looming white peak visible from the canyon beneath the bridge where Kerouac stayed and wrote his novel, and also visible from this ridge a good distance down the coast. This peak is full of stories. Creation stories. Secret caves stories. Lost civilization stories. Mysterious dark figure stories. […]

22 Miles to Go

Plein air painting of Asilomar beach from Spanish Bay near Pacific Grove on the Monterey County coast of California

A bright morning and a fine start to the last road trip I took before everything got put on hold in 2020. In spite of how the title makes it sound, I certainly did not have another 22 miles to go neither by car nor on foot. It was a short walk from the road […]

The End of Love

A plein air landscape painting of Lover's Point near Pacific Grove on the Monterey County coast of California

We knew things were about to get interesting, news of the pandemic was just ramping up in February. And here I was in Tourist Central, painting one of Monterey’s iconic focal points. We were not social distancing. We were in each other’s faces, breathing each other’s breath, like lovers but still strangers from all different […]

For Those with Ears to Hear

Aerial view artwork of San Simeon point and cove and Hearst Castle on the San Luis Obispo coast of California
This piece gets personal for me. It’s a prominent headland on a stretch of California’s coast that always reminds me of my grandparents who moved somewhere behind those mountains on the right when I was about 10 years old. We’d go visit them occasionally, always bummed that they didn’t have a TV or “anything to […]…


An Invitation

Plein air painting of the beach at Houda Point looking out to Camel Rock on the Humboldt Coast of Northern California

I read the invitation on the last falling leaves of our apple tree. Fall days like this are the best.“Come as you are” is all it said.So we went.Barefoot and happy.Soon enough I found myself standing on the wet sand while painting this one as this shaded creek flowed out to sea around and beneath […]

Rise and Shine

Plein air painting of Humboldt County's rocky Trinidad coast in Northern California

Painted this one on location close to home on a November morning back in 2019. It was one of those days we don’t get very often here, perfect conditions, no wind, crystal clear… just not quite clear enough to see what was about to go down in a few short months. When I look at […]