A plein air artwork painted beside the Smith River in Northern California

She Loves the River

Painted on location, 2.5 miles from the road. A challenging back-country hike with all my gear to paint this one-day late birthday gift for my wife last year…

It’s true, she loves the river⠀
And it’s steady constant force⠀
The ocean is just leftovers⠀
And she prefers the source⠀

She leads me through the briars⠀
Stinging nettle, oak, and sorrow⠀
Some pain for the present moment⠀
But the rest we’ll save for tomorrow⠀

The path is narrow and overgrown⠀
If it’s even a path at all⠀
Two roads diverged and we took neither⠀
She heard the river’s call⠀

Down the bank we scrambled and slid⠀
Grasping roots along the way⠀
These roots they hold back mountains⠀
They can hold us here today⠀

Scraped and bruised and winded⠀
At last we find relief⠀
We swim and laugh and stub our toes⠀
Even blessings hold some grief⠀

My mind drifts off to the coast and its songs⠀
Why oh why am I here⠀
I followed her and would do it again⠀
But we should have brought more beer⠀

How we ended up together⠀
A mystery untold⠀
I am a pool of simple pleasures⠀
She is the mountain, faithful and bold⠀

It’s true, she loves the river⠀
And it’s steady constant force⠀
The ocean is just leftovers⠀
And she prefers the source

She Loves the River

Original Size: 16" x 12"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2019



Method: Plein Air
Date Painted: 07/09/2019
Region: Northern California > The California Coast > Del Norte > Not the California Coast > Somewhere in California (Just not the Coast)


Miles Hiked: 4-6 Miles
Hiking Terrain: Deep Creek or River Crossing, Climbing or Vertical Scrambling Using Hands, Off Trail Wilderness Tromping, Full-On Bushwhacking
Access Logitics: Sneaky Public Access Easement
Geological Hazards: Awkward Footing on Uneven Terrain
Botanical Hazards: Thorns and Brambles, Lots of Poison Oak!
Biological Hazards: Mysterious Insect Bites/Stings, High Grass- Tick Country!, Mosquitoes
Weather Logistics: Threatening to Rain, Rain!
Temperature: Uncomfortably Warm

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