Plein air painting of the power plant in Carlsbad on the San Diego coast of southern California


With a long-term goal of painting as much of California’s coast as I possibly can, I end up all sorts of places. Sometimes it’s out on the edge of an offshore island marching off into the distance without a trail to follow, other times it’s being invited to visit some of the more exclusive and pristine stretches behind locked gates. And then there are times for more pedestrian locations like this working class stretch of coast punctuated by a landmark slated for destruction. It’s all part of the game.


Original Size: 16" x 20"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2019

Additional Artwork Information:

Method: Plein Air
Date Painted: 05/06/2019
Region: The California Coast > Southern California > San Diego
Road Trip: Maycember 2019

Artwork Logistics:

Vehicular Logistics: Painted from Roof Platform on Van
Weather Logistics: Painted in Heavy Winds, Painted in Full Sun with no Shade

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