Sunday Afternoon
Surface Tension I
Evolution of Icarus
So… sometimes this happens. When I paint at live events, half the fun is not knowing exactly what I’m going to paint. Even as I’m loading my palette with paint I’m usually still wondering what’s going to happen. At RampArt Skatepark last weekend, this is what happened. Not sure what’s going on here, but one […]
Passing Through III
Crab Haul
Energy, Mass, and Light
Another Day
Finding California
Passing Through II
Passing Through I
On the Rocks
Insinuation IX: Where Once there was Only Sky
Rising up to heights intolerable Between moments of relief All too briefJust when the final surge washes throughRearranging the ground floorSoaking the upholstery With salt driven from the earth’s rotationGlass breakingWalls shakingThe record collection scattered like shells on the shore Just when it’s too much to bearAs violently as it movedJust as quickly it is […]
Insinuation VIII: Hope of Expectancy Surrendered
As joy turns to sorrow And victory defeatThe batteries drainedThe battering remains A constant beatEach pulse an increase of primordial painThe hope of expectancy surrendered Like broken water from a cloudburst in a heavy rainSomething gone wrongThe absence of lightThis can’t be the way That all is set rightThe giver of life drained of the […]
Insinuation VII: The Spin of the Sphere
The spin of the sphere Is the beginning of fear And where it leads none can followIt’s tilted gait Refuses to wait As yesterday wars with tomorrow And the lengthening days The upper hand gainsAnd the bluebirds await the arrival Of the victor’s scorn Trampling the snowmelt Of their opponentWho retreats to the high mountainsBlocking […]
Insinuation VI: Earth’s Shadow Not Yet Reaping
The lunar eclipse breathes its deepest shade of red As the waters of earth rise up to meet the dyingA global procession Where every drop offers An honest confession Of unending love And weeps for the loss of their beloved’s white-blue lightThese fluid mourning masses Gather at the funeral parlor doorAwaiting a turn to glimpse […]
Insinuation V: No Escape Until Exhalation
Inhalation of numbers A suspended matrix of love and tears Sweat and painNo solution for this equationJust a problem of oxygen suspended in bloodArriving from beyond the sea To bring life however brief it may beBut with it arises The conflict inside usCarried by wind Born of dustMade of earthFragile and flammableUnquenched and unbirthed Ubiquitous […]
Insinuation IV: Riding Shotgun in the Cardiac
As the plot thickens The pulse quickens Signals the release of adrenalineThe fight or flightThe might makes right At heart it’s all just lightEmanating through nervous roots Planted deep in the sinewsIt’s neither sin nor is it newsRiding shotgun in the cardiac Pumping beats to keep the blood movingRegulating the pace of exchangeThe old for […]
Insinuation III: Sheet Music of Endless Revolutions
Pulsating depths collide with rock in steady rhythm Rocksteady rhythms Seafoam drifts that move in procession Driven by the upwelling of timeEtching on the surface a crooked white lineA visible record of the upheavalThe sheet music of endless revolutions Each blast is a rebellion In search of freedom like waterMoving to this inexplicable beatDancing with […]
Insinuation II: Hunting Reverb for Survival
Molten harmonics signal the release of tensionThe groaning of tectonic riffs Played with the volume cranked to eleven The subterranean chords of metal and rock circle their preyDescending through chasms Black air dripping with the sweat of earth Waiting to shake its foundations And strike Hunting reverb for survivalAnd it hides by the deepest frequencies […]
Insinuation I: Lost in a Sea of Synapses
Dancing at will upon the innumerous grainsThe finite brains of particulate philosophersWho cannot through their centrifugesDo anything other than remain on it’s surfaceGrasping at photonsMissing the pointMarching lockstep in lines around the cornerAdrift in a city of relapsesLost in a sea of synapsesMentally sequencing the circuitry required To awaken the silicon mined of earthThe silicon […]