Insinuation VIII: Hope of Expectancy Surrendered

As joy turns to sorrow
And victory defeat
The batteries drained
The battering remains
A constant beat
Each pulse an increase of primordial pain
The hope of expectancy surrendered
Like broken water from a cloudburst in a heavy rain
Something gone wrong
The absence of light
This can’t be the way
That all is set right
The giver of life drained of the gift
The spark itself turned inside
The fire within is within another
A universe within this imploding star
Wrought in the worst of collapsing rhapsody
Written in verse of relapsing tragedy

Insinuation VIII: Hope of Expectancy Surrendered

Original Size: 36" x 36"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2014
Series: Insinuation

Additional Artwork Information:

Method: Other Studio Work

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