Insinuation VI: Earth’s Shadow Not Yet Reaping

The lunar eclipse breathes its deepest shade of red
As the waters of earth rise up to meet the dying
A global procession
Where every drop offers
An honest confession
Of unending love
And weeps for the loss of their beloved’s white-blue light
These fluid mourning masses
Gather at the funeral parlor door
Awaiting a turn to glimpse
Her pale face once more
Gathered round in silence
Then a wondrous pause
Then thunderous applause
And there’s been no greater joy since
Her shadow only just sleeping
Earth’s shadow not yet reaping

Insinuation VI: Earth’s Shadow Not Yet Reaping

Original Size: 12" x 12"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2014
Series: Insinuation

Additional Artwork Information:

Method: Other Studio Work

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