Insinuation VII: The Spin of the Sphere

The spin of the sphere
Is the beginning of fear
And where it leads none can follow
It’s tilted gait
Refuses to wait
As yesterday wars with tomorrow
And the lengthening days
The upper hand gains
And the bluebirds await the arrival
Of the victor’s scorn
Trampling the snowmelt
Of their opponent
Who retreats to the high mountains
Blocking lifeblood supply routes
And starving the proud of
Any further harvest celebration
Until the conquerors meakly succomb
To the darkest deprivation
But their season of starvation is also soon to pass
And the reason of the star’s ovation will not last

Insinuation VII: The Spin of the Sphere

Original Size: 36" x 36"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2014
Series: Insinuation

Additional Artwork Information:

Method: Other Studio Work

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