After a Long Dark Winter

Well, this winter wasn’t really all that much longer or darker than usual, but still, we hadn’t seen the sun for a few wet weeks here on the coast. When it finally returned it felt as though the sun itself had awoken like a bear from hibernation, blinking, sniffing the air, and without hesitation leaving […]…


Watch Your Step

I had tried to paint from this spot recently but couldn’t because of the wind. Even with a better light wind forecast it was still a bit dicey out here at times. Wind funnel slot canyon on a north facing cliff in spring in Humboldt. Yep. Translation: windy, even on a calm day. Took a […]

Off in the Distance

We had some good sunny weather a few days ago, and I got it in my head to go up the coast and hike to the top of our local headland there and paint the view looking north. I had the exact vantage point in my mind with vertical rock faces framing one side of […]…


Natural Defenses

Last one from a recent trip to Orange County, and my first plein air from this historically significant plein air zone. I’m sure there are literally thousands of paintings out there from this vantage point, but until now none of them were mine. I haven’t been avoiding it intentionally, it’s just a nightmare to find […]

House of Romance, 1963: I Was Almost Never Born Here

You ready for some personal Beard family history here? On a recent trip south, a talented photographer friend and I spent a rainy afternoon cruising around to some of his favorite vantage points along the south Orange County coast. One of the stops was a historical site called Casa Romantica. I’d never heard of it, […]…


Rainy Day Melody

Another recent one from the Orange County coast. With all the weather and rain, I kept feeling like I was painting up north somewhere. Not the typical Socal Blues anyway…

While Lovely Rita Was Sleeping

Plein air capturing the early morning marine layer view of the Orange County coast. Couldn’t see much out there in all that wet gray, so I pulled up on the side of the Coast Highway, and set up inside the van to paint the one thing I could see all too well. Since I blocked […]

Salt Haze

This was a rough one. The coast fog was super thick when I rolled up to paint here, but the sky was blue behind me on the hills looking inland and being only late morning when I was setting up, and with a nice forecast to look forward to, I’d reckoned things would likely clear […]

The Light Contagious

One of the best things about plein air painting all over the California coast is that it requires me to post up and really watch the waves for several hours. By the time I wrapped this one up at sunset, I knew I’d be back the next morning, and where I’d sit in the line […]

Living Quarters

Yep, an old water tower, a 76 VW bus, or… I guess an actual house fits the bill too. All of them quite livable. But only one of them will get you where you’re going and then strand you there with no way to leave. I’m not telling which.

Subpedestrian Homesick Blues

Sand crabs and square slices of pepperoni pizza- the working capital of days long spent hiding under the pier for shade, and relief from watching eyes. The older kids’ cigarettes smelled funny. Try not to look ‘em in the eye.

Speaking Softly Like Light

Painted this one not too long ago down on the central coast of California. This is the one I did during that video that I posted yesterday from @stwcoalition. They kept telling me to speak up, cause the light wind was muffling everything in the microphone. It was a bit of a challenge to stay […]

Curb Appeal

You can’t go wrong with coastal real estate in California. This extremely well constructed home, built around the turn of the year is a charming example of Beach Hobo architecture. Well thought out floorplan with charming curb appeal. Great place to raise a family. Seller is motivated.

A Wing and a Prayer

Studio redux of recent live art concept. A few weeks back at a benefit for Standing Rock I painted a different version of a bird swooping down to grab a fish out of the water. In that one the bird was just a dark silhouette and the fish ended up with a non-intentional pacific northwest […]…



Before there was light⠀There was water⠀And before there was life⠀The water broke⠀Staring up into that black ocean⠀Eyes blinded by the falling seas⠀On this winter’s solstice⠀No stars tonight⠀Just a child⠀Floating weightless and free⠀In a fish bowl for all to see⠀⠀Mary and Joseph⠀They live down the street ⠀We ate donuts on strings⠀Tied to their tree⠀Last Halloween⠀But tonight […]…


Lonesome Valley

Plein air from yesterday, super close to home, but at least a world and a half away… Titled after Woody Guthrie’s song of the same name: You gotta walk that lonesome valley,You gotta walk it by yourself,Nobody here can walk it for you,You gotta walk it by yourself. Some people say that John was a […]…


Study Break

Always fun to paint from 500 feet up. UFO view of kelp beds, bending lines, and the likely culprit of many a failed college exam.

Grass Fed

um… not plein air Music is like math, where math allows us to see the inner workings of the physical world around us, music allows us to see the inner workings of the non-physical world within us. What?

Water is Life

If we look to the seasons we see that darkness comes in cycles, offset by rhythms of light. And yet the darkness has never felt so loud as the discordant anthem of this asymphonic night. We are tempted to see this present moment as the cold oppression of a tangible force. A standing army of […]…


Isthmus Interrupted: Most of the Time She Can’t be Reached

The isthmus here is only passable at the lower tides, leaving the rock island on the right unreachable for most of every day. I’ve always been fascinated by the bending of wave energy around both sides of the island on the higher tides. Getting to this vantage point with all my paint gear wasn’t easy, […]

Poetry of Geological Ideas

We really do have some beautiful coastline around here. While still technically a part of the California coast, this zone feels like another time and place altogether. Pretty sure it was Einstein that said pure mathematics was the poetry of logical ideas. In that sense I reckon pure plein air painting  is maybe a poetry […]