Free Range #27: Jeepers Creepers

Odometer: 1274.8 miles Ok. I know I can seem a little creepy to some folks all hovelled up in my van dwelling, but sometimes even I get creeped out by the local humans. This was an empty stretch of road but it produced some odd characters in fairly rapid succession. I’m glad I wasn’t abducted. […]

Free Range #26: Morning Funk

Odometer: 1209.7 miles In order to make the most of the daylight hours and paint as much as time and geography allow, I’ve been flying under the radar and sleeping in the van in random offbeat commercial locations. Wake up early and move on daily. Some mornings are rougher than others and our good old […]

Free Range #24: The Spirit Not the Letter

Odometer: 1,120.9 miles Driving out to check this place, I could tell the wind was coming up fast and early, so I figured I’d skip the surf and just get right into painting. I had the easy spots in mind, simple views right off the shoulder of the road as it wound over the bluffs […]…


Free Range #23: Location, Location, Location

Odometer: unknown, the numbers kept spinning, I’ll have to get it checked out, must be busted or something…Plein air12 x 12 One of the most enjoyable parts of this trip has been having the time to explore some dog legs off the main roads that I’ve wondered about for years and peer around a few […]…


Free Range #22: Third Try

Odometer: 1038.8 miles Sometimes it takes a lot of driving around spot-checking before settling on a spot to paint. The morning light was fading quickly to noon day brightness, so I jumped on this one after scouting two other locations. Any one if them would have worked, not sure why I was so hesitant, but […]

Free Range #21: The Beginning of the End

Odometer: 1030.2 miles Every trip comes to an end sometime, and this one ends in southern California. Although I still have many miles to travel in the next few days, with the live music and party vibe emanating from the pier while I painted, this was my first tastes of the end of the line. […]

Free Range #20: Overwhelmed

Odometer: 935.8 miles The coast of California is not fair. For every spot surfed or vista painted there’s a multitude of others that will have to wait for another day. Been enjoying this paint tour, but my heart breaks for all that I’ve seen and haven’t had time to stop for. It doesn’t matter how […]

Free Range #19: Like a Bridge Over Troubled Womp

Odometer: 887.8 miles Well, not really. I’m sure the womp down there is perfectly content to be left alone and only viewed from above. The only troubled ones would be the prospective wompees passing by hankering for some all-time scenic & historical womp. Access down there isn’t easy. This one is for all my boardless […]

Free Range #18: Punk Rocks

Odometer: 862.3 miles Beautiful coast here. Almost too beautiful for painting as it draws throngs of visitors from all over the world in a constant stream of selfie sticks, bored kids on family vacation that will not be impressed by anything analog, and well, bearded painters too I suppose (though I was the only one […]…


Free Range #17: Oh the Humanity

Odometer: 800.1 miles This town is nuts. Lineups crawling with surfers of all skill levels. Surfed one wave about 3 feet from the cliff with 2 other surfers in front of me on a soft top and a stand up paddle board. I don’t think they even knew I was there. Watched soft top’s board […]…


Free Range #15: Morning Drive

Odometer: 755.7 miles Our fatherKept us movingEven thoughWe stopped a bit too oftenTo read the signsAnd ponderTheir meanings When it was time to move onWe would oftenHave to push with all of our might BarefootOn the rough pavement Our fatherDrove a Volkswagon

Free Range #16: Sweet Cherries for Sale

Odometer: 766.8 miles I was digging this roadside view on the coast beside a nearby produce stand’s sign announcing “Sweet Cherries for Sale” and had just gotten set upwhen the cherry slinger walked up and told me I’d have to move. He said I was blocking his Sweet Cherries sign. I wasn’t, but I could […]…


Free Range #9: Angles

Odometer: 389.1 miles The fog bank stuck around all day, threatening to shut down my art operations at any moment. When I rounded a point that marks a significant change in the angle the coast faces, from northwest to southwest, I figured the little micro climate created in the lee of the point would be […]

Free Range #11: Come and Go

Odometer: 533.1 miles The fog was relentless here. Spent a lot of time noodling around with the foreground waiting for the whiteout to lift from this epic hilltop vantage point.

Free Range #8: Disappearance

Odometer: 346.4 miles The rough and callousedFingers of landJoin handsWith the soft and nimbleFingers of fogIn aDisplay ofQuiet unity

Free Range #6: Roadside Blues

Odometer: 213.5 miles Sometimes we all needa soft shoulder to cry onBut other times all we need isA wide shoulder to park on

Free Range #4: Entrance

Odometer: 179.8 mi Last one from my home territory. Hitting the road tomorrow a.m. Huge thanks to everyone that has made suggestions, requests, and commitments for the pieces I’ll be painting each day of this trip. You have all helped make this trip possible and you have my gratitude. I’ll try not to blow it. 

Free Range #3: Maybe Later

Odometer 149.6 miles Got a little sidetracked already. Trying to get just the right angle to paint from the van for the previous painting, my front bumper just grazed the railing on the roadside… and promptly broke, bent, and dislodged itself halfway off. Not wanting to spend this whole drive wondering if it would fall […]