Free Range #20: Overwhelmed

Odometer: 935.8 miles

The coast of California is not fair. For every spot surfed or vista painted there’s a multitude of others that will have to wait for another day. Been enjoying this paint tour, but my heart breaks for all that I’ve seen and haven’t had time to stop for. It doesn’t matter how many times one makes this trip, many a stone will always be left unturned. So do not weep for me, not that you would, but weep for us all and all of the hidden beauty around each bend that this fleeting life is too short to take in. Yes, weep, but not in sorrow, weep for joy! For there is always more out there and none of us will ever be able to say sadly say that we’ve seen it all. We haven’t come close.

Silver and gold
I do not have
Wait… gold
I have that
And you’re welcome to it
You only have to look

Free Range #20: Overwhelmed

Original Size: 12" x 12"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2015

Additional Artwork Information:

Method: Plein Air
Date Painted: 07/31/2015
Region: The California Coast > Central California > Monterey
Road Trip: California 2015

Artwork Logistics:

Travel Logistics: Had to Sleep in My Van
Vehicular Logistics: Painted from Inside the Van

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