Free Range #27: Jeepers Creepers

Odometer: 1274.8 miles

Ok. I know I can seem a little creepy to some folks all hovelled up in my van dwelling, but sometimes even I get creeped out by the local humans. This was an empty stretch of road but it produced some odd characters in fairly rapid succession. I’m glad I wasn’t abducted. I like my van just fine, thanks, no need to see the inside of yours…

Free Range #27: Jeepers Creepers

Original Size: 12" x 12"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2015

Additional Artwork Information:

Method: Plein Air
Date Painted: 08/05/2015
Region: The California Coast > Ventura > Southern California
Road Trip: California 2015

Artwork Logistics:

Travel Logistics: Had to Sleep in My Van
Biological Hazards:
Anthropological Hazards: Sketchy Human Interactions
Weather Logistics: Painted in Full Sun with no Shade
Temperature: Cooking Hot

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