A plein air nocturne painting of a Chapel on Santa Cruz Channel Island off the coast of Southern California

To God the Best and the Greatest

To God the Best and the Greatest

Original Size: 16" x 12"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2019

Additional Artwork Information:

Method: Plein Air
Date Painted: 06/17/2019
Region: The California Coast > The Channel Islands > Santa Barbara > Southern California
Road Trip: The Island of Bearded People - 2019

Artwork Logistics:

Miles Hiked: 2-4 Miles
Hiking Terrain: Deep Creek or River Crossing
Vehicular Logistics: Extra Vehicular Assistance Needed
Extra-Vehicular Requirements: Boat Required for Access, Ride on Truck/Quad/Off-Road Vehicle Required for Access
Access Logitics: Posted: No Trespassing, Private Property
(Painted Without Permission)
Geological Hazards: Painted in the Dark
Anthropological Hazards:
Temperature: Uncomfortably Cool

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