Passing Through V

Painted live for a friend’s going away party gift. These passing through series pieces represent something very simple for me: the movement of energy through any medium. I painted the first one live at a music festival in southern Humboldt while on my home from San Francisco. Just passing through. Something resonated with that one and I’ve done several more since then. In this case the vertical bands in the piece seem to me like periods of a person’s life, where significant life-changing events happen, new chapters are begun but the same vitality of life keeps flowing through from one to the next. Ok. That is all. Robin from HumBrews, I wish you the best in your next chapter.

Passing Through V

Original Size: 24" x 24"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2015
Series: Passing Through

Additional Artwork Information:

Method: Live Art
Location/Event: Humbrews, Arcata, CA
Date Painted: 07/10/2015

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