
Some places
You come to
Almost by accident

A bit more effort

Comes down from the mountain
Without first
Having to climb it

Nobody comes to the end
Of the trail
Without first
Traveling its length

Nobody comes up
From the sea
Without first going under

And nobody arrives
In that small town across the bay
Without knowing first where it is

But mostly
That’s just because
Someone keeps stealing the sign


Original Size: 12" x 12"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2016

Additional Artwork Information:

Method: Plein Air
Date Painted: 06/25/2016
Region: The California Coast > Northern California > Marin
Road Trip: Marin 2016

Artwork Logistics:

Travel Logistics: Had to Sleep in My Van
Parking Logistics: Questionable or Illegal Parking Required
Miles Hiked: Less than 1 Mile
Access Logitics: Sneaky Public Access Easement
Geological Hazards: Awkward Footing on Uneven Terrain
Botanical Hazards: Some Poison Oak Observed
Weather Logistics: Painted in Full Sun with no Shade
Temperature: Uncomfortably Warm

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