California Storm

We came to this mountain in search of goldWe’ll leave with pockets full of solitudeWe speak to the windWe are here nowEverything else is goneThe cars and housesThe monies and the mediaThe interconnected web of information thatTies us all togetherNone of that can truly exist at all We know because we’ve listened to the quietThat […]

A Break in the Rain

All the while the day grows darkerAnd nothing dry is left.The eternal endurance of water has won,And now even what’s wrong is right.You can see it, but you cannot understand itNothing more can be doneBut surrender beneath the weight of it allAnd beWashed AwayThis is what it is to be human

Approaching Storm

Wishing for another momentTo captureTheInconvenient gazeOf a child’sBrightAnd silent futureBefore they comeTo haul it all away

Restricted Access

We never did imagineThe goldenAccelerationOf our free fallWould yield… Such high rentFor apartments so small AndSo many left turns AndNo rights at all


If you spend any time at all in this town, do yourself a favor and find a different mode of transportation than a rusty old van. Parking is nuts to non-existent and navigating the unfamiliar streets in a vehicle that can’t hop curbs, cut over embankments and weave through crowds of pedestrians really hinders one’s […]…



Each passing stormBrings a clearingOf mindRevealingSpiral rhythmsOf colorIn your eyesBoth fragileAnd totally free

No Fires

The higher laws do not forbidThe burning of your gasoline dreamsNoThey practically command it We’d driven all over the state, the miles passing like a rushing river in a sudden spring rain. It wouldn’t do really, us being together, that is. She was from a different world than I was, far too refined to spend […]…


First Look

I’ve been told lately  That I didn’t paint this one quite right  Or it must be somewhere else  That our local jetty doesn’t look like this  That it’s all busted up  And full of holes  Where the ocean pours in  And leaves salt in every wound    But I painted this a long time ago  […]

House of Prayer

These trembling walls danceWith their Maker’s invisible spiritAs we wage war on tomorrow’s past Victory was better an hour agoAnd defeat is a low-tide Rising

Above and Below

One world aboveAnd another belowIt might be heaven up thereButDown hereWe live in our vans

Lined Up

On the morning I was created⠀I crawled out the back of the old yellow van⠀Wide-eyed and blinking⠀Wondering where my brother had ran?⠀ He ran to the sea⠀He ran for his life⠀ Past the razor’s edge of the earth⠀Into the mist where the horizon is long⠀Where the black dots line up and wait⠀Is that really where […]…


Nuclear Sunrise

On that day we harnessedHistory’s joyousLaughterBut there was nobodyAround to hear itSo instead weSplitThe difference