A Little Ways Away

Thérèse of Lisieux
Born in an age of books without end
Teachers teaching the taught
The perfected lesson
The corrected doctrine
But no one to love the world entire

Unable to bear the burden
And fully aware of the limits
Of her own imperfect love
Small, weak, and broken
She found her greatest strength
In her failure

No longer striving for greatness
Of knowledge or deed
She forged The Little Way
By scattering flowers
Of small sacrifice
Of fleeting glance
Of gentle word
The smallest
Actions of


Falling on
The monastery
That bears her name
Across the bay
A Little Ways away
A simple reminder
That this canvas
On which I lay down petals
Of Red Yellow Blue and White
Is but itself
And merely another
Flower scattered
For Love



-Matt Beard

A Little Ways Away

Original Size: 20" x 16"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2021

Additional Artwork Information:

Method: Plein Air
Date Painted: 07/30/2021
Region: The California Coast > Central California > Monterey

Artwork Logistics:

Travel Logistics: Had to Sleep in My Van
Miles Hiked: 2-4 Miles
Geological Hazards: Awkward Footing on Uneven Terrain
Botanical Hazards: Lots of Poison Oak!

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