Plein air painting from San Elijo State Park looking toward Cardiff Reef on the San Diego coast of California

Not Exactly a Picnic

Painted from the roof of my van. I put a platform up there just for this purpose. It’s great to return to places I’ve been before and see them from just a little higher up. To be honest though, I wasn’t all that into this scene at the start, even from my lofty perch. But when I am on the road, I am there to paint, so sometimes it’s just a matter of getting work done. Halfway through this one I really started to like where it was going. Funny how that works. Sometimes you can see a painting before even setting up the easel, other times you have to slog your way through the grays before something of interest emerges. It’s not always a picnic, sometimes it’s more like peeling potatoes in the galley. But either way the soup can be delicious if you’re hungry enough.

Not Exactly a Picnic

Original Size: 20" x 16"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2019


Method: Plein Air
Date Painted: 05/08/2019
Region: The California Coast > Southern California > San Diego
Road Trip: Maycember 2019


Parking Logistics: Paid Park Entrance Required
Vehicular Logistics: Painted from Roof Platform on Van
Anthropological Hazards: Surfers Are The Worst
Weather Logistics: Threatening to Rain

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