The Wind Blows Where it Wishes

3rd day on the road, 7th painting completed, 1st one this day

The wind was blowing lightly onshore this morning but the fog was moving slowly out to sea on a seemingly different program altogether.

You never know what, or who, will blow in with the wind.

Besides fog, here’s what else the wind blew past me while I worked on this one on the side of the road:

A chain smoking man in a cowboy hat in a white ford 350 and a good several-song dose of country music.

A couple in a rusty blue minivan who appeared to be looking for something in the bushes right beside me, pulling out all sorts of random roadside detritus including but not limited to one busted chair and a pair of ladies jeans that they nearly kept but finally decided not to.

An old friend from Humboldt who spotted me at work and stopped for a quick minute to say hi.

A road-walking 20 something guy with a backpack who feigned interest in the art while scouting my bags for food (or whatever else he was looking for) and finally left with my Cliff Bar.

A grown man on a bmx bike asking directions to the next market north of us.

This is one of my favorite things about working on location: none of that ever happens in the home studio. Well, not very often anyway. 

The Wind Blows Where it Wishes

Original Size: 20" x 16"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2017



Method: Plein Air
Date Painted: 07/07/2017
Region: Northern California > The California Coast > Mendocino
Road Trip: Mendocino/Sonoma 2017


Biological Hazards:
Anthropological Hazards: Sketchy Human Interactions
Weather Logistics: Fog Battle

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