Plein air artwork from the beach at Morro Rock on the San Luis Obispo coast of Central California

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I saw an old man reciting poetry to the seagulls here. They waited on his every word, looking for any morsel of wisdom they could read between his lines. Or potato chips, those would work too.

One seagull perched on my van. He wanted to know what I was doing in there. I was painting the scene he calls home. He didn’t like my painting because it didn’t include all the people and towels, umbrellas and bikinis, but mostly the paper sacks resting in open backpacks near the skinny awkward kids. Those contained the best poetry on earth.

Poetry written in love by lonely mothers giving their lives for their young and wrapping their words in plastic and tin foil to keep them fresh in their child’s time of need. Yes, the finest verses ever written, penned from kitchen counters, awaiting their day to be read aloud for the young to hear.

My winged friend above asks for silence. The recital is about to begin…

Um… ok, not sure where all that came from, but on a sidenote, I did include a bit of my childhood in this one, the yellow VW bus my folks got in 1976 when I was just a year old. In fact this whole area is permeated for me by memories of exploration as a teenager here in that old van. My grandparents moved just over the hill behind the coast here in those years and I would borrow the van and head out in all directions to see what waves I could find. I’d often end up right here after being too chicken to surf anywhere else alone at that age. I’d probably eat a sandwich wrapped in plastic and foil afterwards.

Fastforward to now, and here I am eating a sandwich and some chips out of the back end of the big white sprinter van (also in this painting), while talking to seagulls about life. And Poetry. It happens, it’s been a long trip. Full circle, more or less.

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Original Size: 20" x 16"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2017


Method: Plein Air
Date Painted: 08/25/2017
Region: The California Coast > Central California > San Luis Obispo
Road Trip: Southern Central California 2017


Vehicular Logistics: Painted from Inside the Van
Biological Hazards: Aggressive Seagulls/Birds
Anthropological Hazards: Surfers Are The Worst, Crowds with Lots of Questions

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