Into the Sunset

Will this be your first?
That was my stupid question for them
I’m not very good at this
They were really quite beautiful together
A perfect young couple
Watching another southern California sunset
From the edge of crumbling cliff
Over the mirror of the sea
Clearly expecting
A green flash

I’d just finished painting the scene
And drinking 3 beers
That’s not exactly the usual
During the course of a painting
But friends had joined me today
And it sometimes goes that way

Words of wisdom
Spoken by an old friend:
“Nothing is better than a two beer buzz”
It doesn’t get better
Only more difficult
To ask the right questions

This child would not be their first
Or their second
Or third
I don’t remember now
But it was maybe their ninth
Or thirteenth
A number enough to make you wonder
If they were much, much older than they looked

So I asked if it was true
That it got easier after the third child
They said absolutely
3 is the hardest
After that it gets easier and easier
As they start to raise each other

That’s how they could leave the other 8 or maybe 12 behind
And relax into the sunset here tonight
The team was on top of it at home
Building themselves some dang quesadillas

I’d only had three kids
The most challenging number
Now verified
My folks had three
And I was the last of them
Same for my wife
And I can confirm
That we are two of the most difficult people
You’ll ever meet
Aside from my mom
Who was the first of two
And was the pinnacle
Of difficulty
She recently walked off into the sunset
I said my goodbyes
Through salty tears
She told me to get off her cloud

So with my feet planted back on the ground
Beside the mother and father
Of a small nation beside me
And a setting sun before me
I don’t remember
If there was a green flash or not
But I knew that my three kids at home
And these three beers on the edge of this cliff
It was enough for me

-Matt Beard

Into the Sunset

Original Size: 18" x 24"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2022




Method: Plein Air
Date Painted: 04/07/2022
Region: The California Coast > Southern California > San Diego


Travel Logistics: Had to Sleep in My Van
Access Logitics: The Shoulder of a Busy Road/Highway
Geological Hazards: Steep or Unstable Cliffs
Biological Hazards: Painted in Public During a Global Pandemic, Food/Drink Delivered and Consumed While Painting
Anthropological Hazards: People Drinking, Other Painters, Surfers Are The Worst, Crowds with Lots of Questions
Weather Logistics: Painted in Full Sun with no Shade

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