Fading West

2nd day on the road, 6th painting completed, 4th one of the day

I wasn’t planning to paint here at all, though I did stop and check it out the day before. This day I was planning to head south from my previous location, but the afternoon fog crept in and made a mockery of my plan as it so often will. Recalling this tightly arranged scenic cove complete with a eucalyptus foreground I thought this was a location that would hold up even in a fairly dense fog, and it was true. Had a really fun time painting this one without pressure of capturing a specific place, just a feeling of being there is all that I wanted here. Plus the burger and salad at the little hotel/restaurant behind me was delightful, and I don’t often think of salads in those terms. Of course after 4 paintings in one day, I reckon a stale peanut butter and jelly woulda been delightful too, but still, it was really good. 

There really wasn’t much
Of anything there at all
It was just another roadside stop
A place to rest before moving along
But somehow it seems
That we’ve left something behind
In the foggy haze
We’ll spend the rest of this trip
Wondering what it was
And wishing we’d not forgotten it

Fading West

Original Size: 12" x 12"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2017




Method: Plein Air
Date Painted: 07/06/2017
Region: Northern California > The California Coast > Mendocino
Road Trip: Mendocino/Sonoma 2017


Botanical Hazards: Thorns and Brambles
Biological Hazards: High Grass- Tick Country!
Weather Logistics: Fog Battle

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