Free Range #9: Angles

Odometer: 389.1 miles The fog bank stuck around all day, threatening to shut down my art operations at any moment. When I rounded a point that marks a significant change in the angle the coast faces, from northwest to southwest, I figured the little micro climate created in the lee of the point would be […]

Free Range #11: Come and Go

Odometer: 533.1 miles The fog was relentless here. Spent a lot of time noodling around with the foreground waiting for the whiteout to lift from this epic hilltop vantage point.

Free Range #8: Disappearance

Odometer: 346.4 miles The rough and callousedFingers of landJoin handsWith the soft and nimbleFingers of fogIn aDisplay ofQuiet unity

Free Range #6: Roadside Blues

Odometer: 213.5 miles Sometimes we all needa soft shoulder to cry onBut other times all we need isA wide shoulder to park on

Free Range #4: Entrance

Odometer: 179.8 mi Last one from my home territory. Hitting the road tomorrow a.m. Huge thanks to everyone that has made suggestions, requests, and commitments for the pieces I’ll be painting each day of this trip. You have all helped make this trip possible and you have my gratitude. I’ll try not to blow it. 

Free Range #3: Maybe Later

Odometer 149.6 miles Got a little sidetracked already. Trying to get just the right angle to paint from the van for the previous painting, my front bumper just grazed the railing on the roadside… and promptly broke, bent, and dislodged itself halfway off. Not wanting to spend this whole drive wondering if it would fall […]

Free Range #2: Leeward

Odometer: 75.4 miles I often paint right out the back or side of my van, literally standing up inside the thing, enjoying the shade and windblock it provides. The added elevation gain is a nice bonus as well, and sometimes it’s the only reason I paint from in there. On this day it was all […]…


Free Range #1: Waiting for the Day to Warm Up

Odometer: 0.00 miles Kicking off the tour of California’s coast with some river time near the Oregon Border. Mornings have a bit of a chill that make swimming sound a little better… later. Like after this quick painting. Took a four hour swim with the family up the river right after this one. 

Time Zone # 2

Plein air, but with a twist. Traditional plein air work involves working fast to give an impression of the place at a particular time of day. The changing nature of light throughout a day limits the working time for a single session so larger pieces usually involve multiple sessions returning to the same location at […]

Passing Through V

Painted live for a friend’s going away party gift. These passing through series pieces represent something very simple for me: the movement of energy through any medium. I painted the first one live at a music festival in southern Humboldt while on my home from San Francisco. Just passing through. Something resonated with that one […]


Painted live on the radio?Yep, live radio. KHUM with Mike Dronkers in the KHUM studio in Ferndale, CA.  Huge thanks to @mikedronkers and @khumradio for letting this happen. If you squint your eyes and stand on your head and sip an IPA while viewing this one you’ll clearly see Mike spinning tunes from the control […]

Time Zone # 1

Plein air, but with a twist. Traditional plein air work involves working fast to give an impression of the place at a particular time of day. The changing nature of light throughout a day limits the working time for a single session so larger pieces usually involve multiple sessions returning to the same location at […]

Passing Through IV

“Freedom doesn’t exist out there, real freedom is within…” that was a passing thought while painting this one in full art hobo mode operating in a small shady alley in the beautiful town of Ferndale, CA on the fourth of July this year. Pretty random. I think I was trying to paint the American flag, […]