They’ll happily share with youEach and every wave you rideWhether you like itOr not But then again…They’ll also cook you up a cup of Dutch CoffeeIn the parking lot
American Paradox
Walking the Line
The One that Got Away
Morning Rollers
No Trespassing
One Man Show
Focal Point
Peak Demand
Duck Dive
An Impending Situation
There’s Even a Hot Tub Around the Corner
October Groundswell
Rising and falling like the tideAnd yet they are surprised when their stocks don’t rise and rise and rise One October they fellA negative low-tide The panic that followed scorched a thousand cigarettesAnd left ‘em where they lie While their shaking hands still burned with fearWe tip-toed past the madness as the tide slowly filled […]
Surf Check Daydream
The first art teacher I ever had used to always tell us that all art is a lie. I never really understood what he meant by that, but it sounded pretty neat and quite teacherly. Generally, I gravitate toward truth-telling with my art and most inaccuracies in my paintings are accidents of omission. I’m just […]… ► CONTINUE READING