I’d be lying if I said I didn’t hide from a helicopter and duck for cover in the bushes by the train tracks twice on my way to get this view. Graffiti guys deal with this sort of thing all the time, plein air guys not so much. That was fun. Sounds like its been […]
Beautiful from Here
Then They Took Him Away
Tolled You So
Time Slides Away
Back to Shore
Pray for Her
And They Said It Would Rain
Tracking South
Hot Tomales
Standing Watch
Back in Black
Architecture of Flow
Stage Left
Acoustic Dunescape
Up to the Stairs
Stone Cold
In a Mood
Something Fishy
Point Saint Patricks
A River’s End
Bending Lines
You know those painters you see outside on sunny days with their fancy umbrellas, leisurely painting away on the manicured park lawn? I don’t know if they’ve spent muchtime in the coastal zone. I recently got one of those fancy umbrellas for myself. Seemed like a great idea at the time. I even got one […]… ► CONTINUE READING