Oil Painting plein air artwork from the Trinidad coast of Humboldt County in northern California

Broke Down Van Blues

Seems like my van was in the shop for repairs more often than not last year. One particular stint was over two months long. After awhile it started getting me down. This was from a beautiful day last summer, but I remember having to stop and remind myself how wonderful it was to just be here- even though I kept finding things to grumble about- mostly the tiny size of our little honda fit. It’s actually an amazing little car, but rummaging around the open hatchback for gear that might be stashed behind a seat, or in the front passenger seat- every door open on the side of the road as I hunt for my brush roll, or my sunscreen, where’d I put that paint rag anyway? As amazing as this little car is , it is not my mobile studio.

On a lighter note, this was a rare foray into painting with oils, which I do from time to time, just to check in and see what it’s like to paint with a medium that isn’t looked down upon by many art-world types. It’s nice over here on this side of the great oil/acrylic divide. Not nice enough to keep me here, but it’s still fun to visit on occasion.

Broke Down Van Blues

Original Size: 20" x 16"
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Year Painted: 2018


Method: Plein Air
Date Painted: 06/22/2018
Region: Northern California > The California Coast > Humboldt


Access Logitics: Sneaky Public Access Easement
Geological Hazards: Awkward Footing on Uneven Terrain
Botanical Hazards: Thorns and Brambles, Some Poison Oak Observed
Weather Logistics: Painted in Full Sun with no Shade
Temperature: Uncomfortably Warm

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