Plein air painting of vans and a VW bus at Moonstone Beach carpark on the Humboldt coast of Northern California

Better Places

Painted on location, well at first anyway, back in 2017. Then I never went back to finish it properly so about a year or two later I took it to a silent disco on the beach below and tried to finish it there, but got so distracted with silent disco-ing that I couldn’t think straight about the painting and only painted in circles instead of arriving at any sort of destination other than right back in storage where it was before and finally when I was asked to paint another painting from a similar vantage point (my last post) I figured I should pull this one from the dustpile and brush it off and have another go, and so it went.

Lots of memories here. Some would call it one of our Better Places. Others might say too many of us call it that, which is usually what I say when I’m trying to park my van in that warzone on a Saturday afternoon.

Just kidding. I don’t even try to go here on a Saturday afternoon anymore.

Better Places

Original Size: 36" x 18"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2020


Method: Plein Air, Studio Landscapes
Region: The California Coast > Northern California > Humboldt


Weather Logistics: Painted in Full Sun with no Shade

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