A plein air landscape painiting from the Lost Coast Trail at Sea Lion Gulch on the Humboldt coast of California

Drink Up

The final panting of this trip. To keep our packs as light as we could (since I was carrying an entire studio) we carried little water with us- just enough to get to our next destination point and keeping our eyes out for water sources along the way. We brought a small filter and there’s lots of creeks that flow on this rugged coast year round, so we knew we wouldn’t have much trouble. This proved to be a perfect creek to drink up and refill after a long morning of painting and getting dried out in the now hot wind. It was also just enough of a bend in the coast that it didn’t face the full force of the wind and we opted to stop again for one more large painting before hiking the final 4 miles back to the car.

Drink Up

Original Size: 20" x 16"
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year Painted: 2019


Method: Plein Air
Date Painted: 08/14/2019
Region: Northern California > The California Coast > Humboldt


Travel Logistics: Backpacking with Too Much Gear
Miles Hiked: 6-10 Miles
Hiking Terrain: Trudging Through Soft Sand, Deep Creek or River Crossing
Geological Hazards:
Biological Hazards: High Grass- Tick Country!
Weather Logistics: Painted in Heavy Winds, Painted in Full Sun with no Shade
Temperature: Cooking Hot

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